Scholarships & Grants
Innovative Grants
The mission of the Arrow Education Foundation is to provide resources to enhance educational opportunities for students in the Watertown School District.
The Arrow Education Foundation plays a significant role in the Watertown School District being a regional model of excellence in K-12 education, by enhancing student education through Foundation grants for innovations in teaching and special programs.
Working in partnership with education, students, alumni, parents, and friends of the Foundation, the Arrow Education Foundation provides support for programs and resources which are beyond the scope of the regular school budget.
The Foundation is a recognized, self-sustaining institution that will continue to fulfill its mission into the future.
The Arrow Education Foundation:
is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt philanthropic organization of citizens (Employer Identifiction Number 46-0453170)
shares a vision of enhancing education in Watertown and works to increase private support for educational activities in Watertown
adheres to the Watertown School District vision of "enabling all students to succeed in an ever changing world"
benefits Watertown students and staff by supporting activities not funded by tax dollars
fosters creative approaches to education through private grants and involvement
is governed by a volunteer board of directors that represent parents, alumni, community and business leaders who seek and distribute funds and set policies according to the by-laws
is a separate legal entity from the Watertown School District, but cooperates with the district to enhance and enrich education